Tuesday, March 2, 2010

There's no more mouse in the house

I knew the day would come when we would get a mouse in the house. We have a large open field across the street and the day finally came. Kolin opened a cabinet and there it was.... mouse poo... For about a week we tried to kill it with the old snap traps, but the peanut butter wasn't cutting it. We just kept finding poo in the empty cabinet, but no mouse. We even found it in the drawer next to the cabinet. I finally bought the glue traps and we got him the first night... in the middle of the counter!!! What would you do if you had a live mouse stuck in super duty glue on your counter? Well my husband decided to put a bowl over it until we were able to dispose of it. Don't worry he didn't use the pampered chef ones :)
Gotcha little mouse!!!

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