Sunday, August 30, 2009

Some new deals and presents from Mom!

Here's the bathroom accessorized. Mom brought me the letters spelling "RELAX". The picture above the toilet was $5 at OTP. The new teal towels are also from OTP - wash cloths $1.29, hand towels $3.99, white bath towels $4.99. I used the silver tin bowl from the thrift store and filled it with extra towels. The picture frame above the towel rack was $.50 at the thrift store. I spray painted it white and used the gray ribbon from the pillow I made in the guest bedroom. I tied a bow and hung it on the wall with just a nail. I would love to do this with old door knobs, but I have to find them first.
Mom gave me this octagon mirror. The frame was oak, but I spray painted it white and just have it leaning against the wall. I should hang it, but just didn't have time. Mom also brought me the crystal lamp. It's very different, but I'm going to spray paint the bottom silver since I'm not a gold fan. It gives off the prettiest light. I got the oval frame for $2 at OTP - that's how Kolin refers to Old Time Pottery.
Here are the pictures hung.
This is a picture of another set of letters mom brought me "DREAM". I have it on the ledge in the front window.

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